2023: Winner of the Blaze Inclusion Awards, for "continuously engaging in diverse and inclusive thought-leadership" as Spark of the Year 2023.
2017: I accepted the 'Person of the Year' award in Iceland on behalf of the #metoo movement, which I had a part in leading.
2015: Elected 'Woman of the Year' by the Federation of Women's Societies in Reykjavik
2015: 'Stand By Yourself' (Stattu með þér) is nominated to the EDDA Film and Television Awards (Icelandic equivalent to the Academy Awards) as Best Children's Material. To view the film with English subtitles, click here.
2013: 'Get Consent' (Fáðu já) wins Best Educational Film at INSAFE in Tallin, Estonia. To view the film with English subtitles, click here.
2013: Honoured for Outstanding Preventative Work against Violence for 'Get Consent' (Forvarnarviðurkenning Stígamóta)
2010: My book 'The Plain Truth' (Á mannamáli) wins the Literature Prize Fjöruverðlaunin, the Icelandic equivalent to the Orange Prize
2010: Nominated to the Society Awards for my work against gender-based violence (Samfélagsverðlaunin)
2010: Awarded the Sociality Award for my book 'The Plain Truth' (Félagshyggjuverðlaunin)
2009: Nominated to the Icelandic Literature Prize for my book 'The Plain Truth'
2009: Awarded the Equality Award for my book 'The Plain Truth' (Jafnréttisviðurkenning Stígamóta)
2006: Nominated to the Icelandic Theatre Prize as Playwright of the Year for my play 'Hunger'
2005: Elected one of the World's 50 Best Playwrights under the age of 25 by the World Interplay organisation.
2003: Nominated Presidential Scholar for outstanding academic achievements at the University of Georgia, graduating Summa Cum Laude